Quarterly Report Fields

This appendix contains the following topics:

Quarterly Report Field Specifications

Available Fields List

Header Fields

Employee Fields

Totals Fields


Quarterly Report Field Specifications

The purpose of this appendix is to describe all of the fields available to you for printing on the quarterly payroll reports that you design using the Quarterly report formats selection. You should become familiar with the Quarterly report formats (Enter) functions before using this appendix.

For fields used in the electronic file reports, refer to the State Magnetic Media Report Fields appendix.

The following pages list all of the fields available for printing on your custom quarterly reports. The list includes the size and format of all available fields, as well as their definitions—what they are, where they come from, what they look like.

This list of fields is useful when you are laying out your report format. Use it when you are designing your report, on a location grid or a layout worksheet, to determine the length and appearance of fields that you select to print.

Available Fields List

This list has three sections:

Header fields
Employee area fields
Totals fields

Format of Each Field

Each section provides the following information:

Field number and name
Longest Field Size
Longest Form
Field description

The following example shows the format each field in the appendix. The field number and name appear to the left of the page, with the longest field size and longest field appearing under the column heading. A field description follows the field and form information.


Longest Field Size / Description

Longest Form

11. Gross pay



Field Number and Name

Field number and name means the number and name of the field as shown in the Available fields window in the Header area, Employee area, and Totals area functions. Gross pay, from Employee area, is shown above as an example of a field number and name.

Longest Field Size

Longest field size means the maximum number of columns that this field can occupy when printed on your report. Use this fact to determine whether or not you need to specify a shorter printed length for a field in order to fit it into the space provided on your form.

For instance, the Employer name field has a maximum length of 25 characters. It cannot occupy more than 25 characters when printed. When you select the Employer name field to print, using the Header area function, you can specify a length of less than 25 characters, but never more.

The longest field size for a numeric field, such as Gross pay, is determined by several factors:

The maximum size of the number
The use of commas in the number
How to show a negative value for the number

The maximum size of Gross pay is 99999999.99. Using commas, it becomes 99,999,999.99, and using parentheses to show a negative value, it becomes (99,999,999.99). A count of all the digits, commas, and parentheses reveals that the longest field size possible for Gross pay is 15.

Longest Form

Longest form means the longest possible form that a numeric field can take when printed. It shows the appearance of the field when printed at its longest field size.

Longest form is not listed for alphanumeric fields because their printed form does not vary: their content is always printed, but the printed form of numeric and date fields vary according to your specifications.

When you select a numeric field to print, you have control over the use of commas, the number of digits printed to the left of the decimal (integers), the number of digits printed to the right of the decimal (decimals), and how to print a negative value for the field. The longest form for any numeric field is printed when you choose:

The maximum # of integers for the field
The maximum # of decimals, if it has decimals
To use commas
To print a negative value using parentheses, if the number can contain a negative value

For the example above, Gross pay, the longest form is depicted as (99,999,999.99).

If the longest form shown for a number lacks the parentheses, that indicates that the number cannot ever be negative. For instance, the longest form for Page number is depicted as 999, as it cannot be negative.

You can choose to print a date field in any one of five different forms. The longest form of a date field is printed when you choose to have the month fully spelled out, depicted as September 30, 1999, September is the longest name of all the months. This will not be shown in the list since it is always the same.

Header Fields

The fields listed below are available to you for printing in the Header area of your report.


Longest Field Size / Description

Longest Form

1. Employer name




This is your company name, as entered in the Employer name field in Control information.


2. Address-1



3. Address-2



4. Address-3




This is your company’s address, as entered in Address-1, Address-2, and Address-3 in Control information.


5. Tax rpt ID number




This is the value that you entered for each tax code in the Tax rpt ID # field in Tax tables, Enter. When you print a report using this field, it prints the Tax rpt ID # for the tax code that you have selected for the report.


6. Federal ID number




This is the Tax rpt ID # that you entered for the Federal authority in Tax tables, Enter.


7. Quarter number




This prints the quarter number as entered for the Which quarter ? field in the Quarterly payroll report screen.


8. Quarter ending date




This prints the quarter ending date as entered for the Ending field in the Quarterly payroll report screen.


9. Quarter year




This is derived from the Quarter ending date. For instance, if you entered a quarter ending date of 3/31/97, the Quarter year would print 1997.


10. Page number




This prints the current page number on each page of your report.


11.Total # of pages




This field prints the total number of pages on either the first, last or all pages of your report.


12. Total # of employees




This is the total number of employees printed in the Employee area of the report.


13. Total gross pay




This prints the grand total of employee gross pay for all employees printed on your report.


14. Total hours




This is the grand total of regular, overtime and special hours for all employees printed on your report.


15. Total SUI gross




This prints the grand total of SUI gross amounts for all employees printed on your report.


16. Total SWT gross




This prints the grand total of SWT gross amounts for all employees printed on your report.


17. Total OST-1 gross




This prints the grand total of OST-1 gross amounts for all employees printed on your report.


18. Total OST-2 gross




This prints the grand total of OST-2 gross amounts for all employees printed on your report.


19. Wages over SUI max.




This prints the grand total of wages over SUI maximum for all employees printed on your report.


20. Wages over FUI max.




This prints the grand total of wages over FUI maximum for all employees printed on your report.


21. Base weeks



This prints the grand total of base weeks for all employees printed on your report.


22. Employer OST gross




This prints the grand total of employer OST gross wages for all employees printed on your report.


23. CWT gross




This prints the grand total of CWT gross wages for all employees printed on your report.


24. FWT gross




This prints the grand total of FWT gross wages for all employees printed on your report.


25. FUI gross




This prints the grand total of FUI gross wages for all employees printed on your report.


26. Suppl benefits gross




This prints the grand total of supplemental benefits gross wages for all employees printed on your report.


27. Base weekly wage




This prints the base weekly wage entered in Tax tables for this report’s state tax code, selected when you run the report.


28. Total reported tips




This prints the grand total of reported tips for all employees printed on your report.


29. Employee SS max. wages




This is the maximum employee annual wage amount upon which social security is assessed, for deduction of social security from the employee’s wage. You entered this for the Maximum soc sec wages field in the federal tax table using the Tax tables function.


30. Employee SS percent




This is the percentage at which social security is deducted from an employee’s wages, also from the federal tax table.


31. Employee SS wages




This prints the grand total of employee social security wages for all employees printed on your report.


32. Total employee SS tips




This prints the grand total of employee social security tips for all employees printed on your report.


33. Total employee SS gross




This prints the grand total of employee social security gross wages for all employees printed on your report.


34. Total employee SS




This prints the grand total of employee social security contributions for all employees printed on your report.


35. Employee medicare max. wages




This is the maximum employee annual wage amount upon which medicare is assessed for deduction of medicare from the employee’s wage. You entered this for the Maximum medicare wages field in the federal tax table using the Tax tables function.


36. Emp medicare %




This is the percentage at which medicare is deducted from an employee’s wages, also from the federal tax table.


37. Medicare wages




This prints the grand total of employee medicare wages for all employees printed on your report.


38. Medicare tips




This prints the grand total of employee medicare tips for all employees printed on your report.


39. Medicare gross




This prints the grand total of employee medicare gross wages for all employees printed on your report.


40. Emp medicare




This prints the grand total of employee medicare contributions for all employees printed on your report.


41. Empr SS max. wages




This is the maximum employee annual wage amount upon which social security is assessed for payment of the employer’s share of social security. You entered this for the Maximum soc sec wages field in the federal tax table using the Tax tables function. This field applies to both employee and employer.


42. Empr SS %




This is the percentage at which social security is calculated for the employer’s share of social security, also from your federal tax table.


43. Empr SS wages




This prints the grand total of employer social security wages for all employees printed on your report.


44. Employer SS tips




This prints the grand total of employer social security tips for all employees printed on your report.


45. Empr SS gross




This prints the grand total of employer social security gross wages for all employees printed on your report.


46. Empr SS




This prints the grand total of employer social security contributions for all employees printed on your report.


47. Empr medicare max. wages




This is the maximum employee annual wage amount upon which medicare is assessed for payment of the employer’s share of medicare. You entered this for the Maximum medicare wages field in the federal tax table using the Tax tables function. This field applies to both employee and employer.


48. Empr medicare percent




This is the percentage at which medicare is calculated for the employer’s share of medicare, also from your federal tax table.


49. Empr medicare wages




This prints the grand total of employer medicare wages for all employees printed on your report.


50. Empr medicare tips




This prints the grand total of employer medicare tips for all employees printed on your report.


51. Empr medicare gross




This prints the grand total of employer medicare gross wages for all employees printed on your report.


52. Total emplr medicare




This prints the grand total of employer medicare contributions for all employees printed on your report.


53. FUI maximum wages




This is the maximum employee annual wage amount upon which FUI is assessed. You entered this for the Federal unemp max wages field in the federal tax table using the Tax tables function.


54. FUI %




This is the percentage at which FUI is calculated, also from your federal tax table.


55. SUI maximum wages




This is the maximum employee annual wage amount upon which SUI is assessed. You entered this for the SUI maximum wages field in your state tax table using the Tax tables function.


56. SUI percent




This is the percentage at which SUI is calculated, also from your state tax table.


57. Suppl benefits max. wages




This is the maximum employee annual wage amount upon which supplemental benefits are assessed. You entered this for the Suppl benefit max wages field in your state tax table using the Tax tables function.


58. Suppl benefits %




This is the percentage at which supplemental benefits amounts are calculated, also from your state tax table.


59. System date




This date is obtained from your computer system at the time the report is printed.


60. Dash line - 80 columns




This field prints a dashed line ( ------- ) of 80 columns in length.


61. Dash line - 132 columns




This field prints a dashed line ( ------- ) of 132 columns in length.


62. Total SUI total wages




This is the grand total of SUI total wages for all employees printed on your report.


63. Total FUI total wages




This is the grand total of FUI total wages for all employees printed on your report.


64. YTD total SWT plus selected CWT




This is the grand total of YTD SWT plus the YTD CWT for selected cities.


Employee Fields

These are the fields available to you for printing in the Employee area of your report.

Under most field names the Longest field size, the Longest form and field Description is provided. For some the Longest Form is not provided.

Longest field Size

Longest Form

1. Social security number


This is the social security number for each employee, exactly as entered for the Soc sec # field in Employees (Enter).

2.First 3 social security digits


This is the first three digits of the social security number for an employee, exactly as entered for the Soc sec # field in Employees (Enter).

3.Middle 2 social security digits


This is the middle two digits of the social security number for an employee, exactly as entered for the Soc sec # field in Employees (Enter).

4.Last 4 social security digits


This is the last four digits of the social security number for an employee, exactly as entered for the Soc sec # field in Employees (Enter).

5. Employee name


This is the employee’s name, exactly as entered for the Employee name field in Employees (Enter).

6. Employee 1st initial


This prints the first character of the employee’s first name, provided that the name was entered in Last, First Middle initial format in the Employee name field in Employees (Enter). For example, an employee name of James A. Smith would need to be entered as Smith, James A. Otherwise, it is uncertain which character of the employee name is printed.

7. Employee middle initial


This prints the middle initial of the employee’s name, provided that the name was entered in Last, First Middle initial format in the Employee name field in Employees (Enter).

8. Employee first name


This prints the employee’s first name, provided that the name was entered in Last, First Middle initial format in the Employee name field in Employees (Enter). Otherwise, it is uncertain which character of the employee name is printed.

9. Employee last name


This prints the employee’s last name, provided that the name was entered in Last, First Middle initial format in the Employee name field in Employees (Enter). Otherwise, it is uncertain which part of the employee name is printed.

10. Employee number



This prints the contents of the Employee number field for an employee, exactly as entered in Employees (Enter).

11. Gross pay



This prints this employee’s gross pay for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

12. SWT gross



SWT gross is the amount of the employee’s pay subject to state withholding. This prints the employee’s SWT gross amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

13. SUI gross



SUI gross is the amount of the employee’s pay subject to taxation for state unemployment insurance. This prints the employee’s SUI gross amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

14. OST-1 gross



OST-1 gross is the amount of the employee’s pay subject to other state tax 1, up to the maximum amount on which this tax is assessed. This prints the employee’s OST-1 gross amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

15. OST-2 gross



OST-2 gross is the amount of the employee’s pay subject to, other state tax 2, up to the maximum amount on which this tax is assessed. This prints the employee’s OST-2 gross amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

16. FUI gross



FUI gross is the amount of the employee’s pay subject to Federal unemployment insurance, up to the maximum amount on which this tax can be assessed. This prints the employee’s FUI gross amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

17. FWT gross



FWT gross is the amount of the employee’s pay subject to Federal withholding, up to the maximum amount on which this tax is assessed. This prints the employee’s FWT gross amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

18. CWT gross



CWT gross is the amount of the employee’s pay subject to city withholding, up to the maximum amount on which this tax is assessed. This prints the employee’s CWT gross amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

19. Supp. benefits gross



Supplemental benefits gross is the amount of the employee’s pay subject to an employer contribution of supplemental benefits, up to the maximum amount on which the supplemental benefit is assessed. This prints the employee’s supplemental benefits gross amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

20. Employer OST gross



Employer OST gross is the amount of the employee’s pay subject to an employer contribution of other state tax, up to the maximum amount on which the employer contribution is assessed. This prints the employer OST gross amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

21.Employer OST



Employer OST is the amount of the employer’s contribution of other state tax for an employee. This prints the employer OST amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

22. SUI



SUI is the amount contributed by the employee for state unemployment insurance. This prints the employee SUI amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

23. SWT



SWT is the amount contributed by the employee for state tax withholding. This prints the employee SWT amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

24. OST-1



OST-1 is the amount contributed by the employee for other state tax 1. This prints the employee OST-1 amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

25. OST-2



OST-2 is the amount contributed by the employee for other state tax 2. This prints the employee OST-2 amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

26. FWT



FWT is the amount contributed by the employee for Federal tax withholding. This prints the employee FWT amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

27. FUI



FUI is the amount contributed by the employee for Federal unemployment insurance. This prints the employee FUI amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

28. CWT



CWT is the amount contributed by the employee for city tax withholding. This prints the employee CWT amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

29. Reported tips



Reported tips is the amount of tips reported by the employee for a pay period. This prints the employee reported tips posted for all payroll checks for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

30. Emp SS wages



Employee social security wages is the amount of the employee’s wages subject to social security, up to the maximum amount of wages on which social security can be assessed. This prints the employee’s social security wages for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

31. Emp SS tips



Employee social security tips is the amount of the employee’s tips subject to social security, up to the maximum amount of tips on which social security can be assessed. This prints the employee’s social security tips for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

32. Emp SS gross



Employee social security gross is the sum of the employee’s social security wages and social security tips. This prints the employee’s social security gross amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

33. Emp SS



Employee social security is the amount contributed by the employee for social security. This prints the employee social security amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

34. Emp medicare wages



Employee medicare gross is the amount of the employee’s wages subject to medicare, up to the maximum amount on which medicare can be assessed. This prints the employee’s medicare wages amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

35. Emp medicare tips



Employee medicare tips is the amount of the employee’s reported tips subject to medicare, up to the maximum amount of tips on which medicare can be assessed. This prints the employee’s medicare tips for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

36. Emp medicare gross



Employee medicare gross is the amount of the employee’s wages subject to medicare, up to the maximum amount on which medicare can be assessed, plus the employee’s reported tips subject to medicare, up to the maximum amount of tips on which medicare can be assessed. This prints the employee’s medicare gross amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

37. Emp medicare



Employee medicare is the amount contributed by the employee for medicare. This prints the employee medicare amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

38. Empr SS wages



Employer social security wages is the amount of the employee’s pay subject to an employer contribution of social security, up to the maximum amount on which the employer contribution can be assessed. This prints the employer social security wages amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

39. Empr SS tips



Employer social security tips is the amount of the employee’s tips subject to an employer contribution of social security, up to the maximum amount on which the employer contribution can be assessed. This prints the employer social security tips amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

40. Empr SS gross



Employer social security gross is the sum of the employer social security wages and the employer social security tips. This prints the employer social security gross amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

41. Empr SS



Employer social security is the amount contributed by the employer for an employee’s social security. This prints the employer social security amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

42. Empr medicare wages



Employer medicare gross is the amount of the employee’s pay subject to an employer contribution of medicare, up to the maximum amount on which the employer contribution can be assessed. This prints the employer medicare wages amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

43. Empr medicare tips



Employer medicare tips is the amount of the employee’s tips subject to an employer contribution of medicare, up to the maximum amount on which the employer contribution can be assessed. This prints the employer medicare tips amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

44. Empr medicare gross



Employer medicare gross is the sum of the employer medicare wages and employer medicare tips. This prints the employer medicare gross amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

45. Empr medicare



Employer medicare is the amount contributed by the employer for an employee’s medicare. This prints the employer medicare amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

46. Empr 401(k) amount



Employer 401(k) is the amount contributed by the employer for an employee’s 401(k) plan. This prints the employer 401(k) amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

47. Emp 401(k) deduction



Employee 401(k) deduction is the amount contributed by the employee for his/her 401(k) plan. This prints the employee 401(k) deduction amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

48. Supplemental benefits



Supplemental benefits is the amount contributed by the employer for an employee’s supplemental benefit. This prints the supplemental benefits amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

49. Earned income credit



This is the earned income credit paid in advance to an employee, rather than claimed by the employee at the end of the year on his/her annual Federal tax return. This prints the earned income amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

50. Weeks worked



This is the number of weeks for which the employee has been paid for the quarter specified on your report.

51. Base weeks



This field only has meaning for states that specify a base weekly wage. Base weeks are kept for tax codes for which you have entered in Tax tables a Base wkly wg for Qtr Rpt of greater than zero. Base weeks is the total number of weeks in the quarter in which the employee received an average weekly wage, computed per pay period, that equals or exceeds the base weekly wage specified by that state.

52. Page #



This prints the current page number on each page of your report. This field prints only once in the Employee area, in row 1, and in the column that you specify. It is included as an Employee area field because some states, e.g., Oregon, as of 1990, require it to print in the left margin of their employee wage reporting forms, adjacent to the first employee item.

53. Total # of pages



This field prints the total number of pages on each page of your report. This field prints only once in the Employee area, in row 1, and in the column that you specify. It is included as an Employee area field because some states, e.g., Oregon, as of 1990, require it to print in the left margin of their employee wage reporting forms, adjacent to the first employee item.

54. Quarter year



This is derived from the quarter ending date entered in the Ending field of the Quarterly payroll report screen. For instance, if you entered a quarter ending date of 3/31/97, the Quarter year would print 1997.

This field prints only once in the Employee area, in row 1, and in the column that you specify. It is included as an Employee area field because some states, e.g., North Carolina, as of 1990, require it to print in the left margin of their employee wage reporting forms, adjacent to the first employee item.

55. Total hours



This is the total of regular, overtime, and special hours for which the employee has been paid for the quarter specified on your report.

56. Wages over FUI maximum



Wages over FUI maximum is the amount of an employees wages that exceed the maximum amount on which FUI can be assessed. This prints the wages over FUI maximum amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

57. Wages over SUI max



Wages over SUI maximum is the amount of an employees wages that exceed the maximum amount on which SUI can be assessed. This prints the wages over SUI maximum amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

58. Termination date


This prints the termination date for any employee for whom you have entered a Terminate date using the Employees (Enter) function.

59. Hire date


This prints the hire date for any employee for whom you have entered a Hire date using the Employees (Enter) function.

60. Hire date if this qtr


This prints the hire date for the employee that you entered in Employees (Enter) but only if the date falls within the quarter specified for the report.

61. Term date if this qtr


This prints the termination date for the employee that you entered in Employees (Enter) but only if the date falls within the quarter specified for the report.

62. Line number



This is a counter for the number of employee items printed. For example, for the first employee printed in the report, the value of 1 would be printed for this field, for the second employee printed it would be 2, and so on.

63. SUI total wages



This is the total of an employee’s earnings for the reporting period that are subject to state unemployment insurance. The amount for this field does not cut off when the SUI maximum wage limit for the calendar year has been reached.

For example, if the annual SUI maximum wage is $16,000, and the employee is being paid $2,400 per month, the SUI wages would be $7,200 for the first quarter, $7,200 for the second quarter, $7,200 for the third quarter, and still $7,200 for the fourth quarter.

64. FUI total wages



This is the total of an employee’s earnings for the reporting period which are subject to Federal unemployment insurance. The amount for this field does not cut off when the FUI maximum wage limit for the calendar year has been reached.

For example, if the annual FUI maximum wage is $7,000, and the employee is being paid $1,000 per month, FUI wages would be $3,000 for the first quarter, $3,000 for the second quarter, $3,000 for the third quarter, and still $3,000 for the fourth quarter.

65. YTD SWT plus selected CWT



The year-to-date SWT plus selected year-to-date CWT is the amount contributed by the employee for the state tax withholding plus the amount contributed by the employee for withholding for selected cities. The cities to be included are selected in the Tax table (Enter) screen.

New York State, as an example, requires that Yonkers and New York City withholding tax be added to the New York State withholding tax. The addition of these two cities is required for the Total tax withheld reported to New York State.

66. Employee Roth 401(k) deduction



Employee Roth 401(k) is the amount as elected by the employee for the employee’s 401(k) plan. This prints the employee Roth 401(k) amount for all payroll checks posted for each employee for the quarter specified on your report.

Totals Fields

These are the fields available to you for printing in the Totals area of your report.

Field number and name Longest Field Size Longest Form

1. Page number



This prints the current page number on each page of your report.

2. Number of pages



This field prints the total number of pages on either the first, last or all pages of your report.

3. Number of employees


99 999

This is the total number of employees printed in the Employee area of the report.

4. Gross pay



This prints the grand total of employee gross pay for all employees printed on your report.

5. Total hours



This is the grand total of regular, overtime and special hours for all employees printed on your report.

6. Total SUI gross



This prints the grand total of SUI gross amounts for all employees printed on your report.

7. Total SWT gross



This prints the grand total of SWT gross amounts for all employees printed on your report.

8. Total OST-1 gross



This prints the grand total of OST-1 gross amounts for all employees printed on your report.

9. Total OST-2 gross



This prints the grand total of OST-2 gross amounts for all employees printed on your report.

10. Wages over SUI max.



This prints the grand total of wages over SUI maximum for all employees printed on your report.

11. Wages over FUI max.



This prints the grand total of wages over FUI maximum for all employees printed on your report.

12. Total base weeks


9999 99

This prints the grand total of base weeks for all employees printed on your report.

13. Total empr OST gross



This prints the grand total of employer OST gross wages for all employees printed on your report.

14. Total CWT gross



This prints the grand total of CWT gross wages for all employees printed on your report.

15. Total FWT gross



This prints the grand total of FWT gross wages for all employees printed on your report.

16. Total FUI gross



This prints the grand total of FUI gross wages for all employees printed on your report.

17. Suppl benefits gross



This prints the grand total of supplemental benefits gross wages for all employees printed on your report.

18. Total SWT



This prints the grand total of state tax withheld for all employees printed on your report.

19. Total OST-1



This prints the grand total of OST-1 for all employees printed on your report.

20. Total OST-2



This prints the grand total of OST-2 for all employees printed on your report.

21. Total empr OST



This prints the grand total of employer OST for all employees printed on your report.

22. Total SUI



This prints the grand total of SUI for all employees printed on your report.

23. Total suppl benefits



This prints the grand total of supplemental benefits for all employees printed on your report.

24. Total CWT



This prints the grand total of CWT for all employees printed on your report.

25. Total weeks worked


9999 99

This prints the grand total of weeks worked for all employees printed on your report.

26. Total reported tips



This prints the grand total of reported tips for all employees printed on your report.

27. Emp SS max.wages


9999999 999

This is the maximum employee annual wage amount upon which social security is assessed, for deduction of social security from the employee’s wage. You entered this for the Maximum soc sec wages field in the Federal tax table using the Tax tables function.

28. Emp SS %


99 999

This is the percentage at which social security is deducted from an employee’s wages, also from the Federal tax table.

29. Emp SS wages



This prints the grand total of employee social security wages for all employees printed on your report.

30. Emp SS tips



This prints the grand total of employee social security tips for all employees printed on your report.

31. Emp SS gross



This prints the grand total of employee social security gross for all employees printed on your report.

32. Emp SS



This prints the grand total of employee social security contributions for all employees printed on your report.

33. Emp medicare max.wages

10 999999.99

This is the maximum employee annual wage amount upon which medicare is assessed, for deduction of medicare from the employee’s wage. You entered this for the Maximum medicare wages field in the Federal tax table using the Tax tables function.

34. Emp medicare percent


99 999

This is the percentage at which medicare is deducted from an employee’s wages, also from the Federal tax table.

35. Emp medicare wage



This prints the grand total of employee medicare wages for all employees printed on your report.

36. Emp medicare tips



This prints the grand total of employee medicare tips for all employees printed on your report.

37. Emp medicare gross



This prints the grand total of employee medicare gross wages for all employees printed on your report.

38. Emp medicare

12 (999999.99)

This prints the grand total of employee medicare contributions for all employees printed on your report.

39. Empr SS max wages

10 999999.99

This is the maximum employee annual wage amount upon which social security is assessed, for payment of the employer’s share of social security. You entered this for the Maximum soc sec wages field in the Federal tax table using the Tax tables function.

40. Empr SS %


99 999

This is the percentage at which social security is calculated for the employer’s share of social security, also from your Federal tax table.

41. Empr SS wages



This prints the grand total of employer social security wages for all employees printed on your report.

42. Empr SS tips



This prints the grand total of employer social security tips for all employees printed on your report.

43. Empr SS gross



This prints the grand total of employer social security gross for all employees printed on your report.

44. Empr SS

12 (999999.99)

This prints the grand total of employer social security for all employees printed on your report.

45. Empr medicare max. wages

10 999999.99

This is the maximum employee annual wage amount upon which medicare is assessed, for payment of the employer’s share of medicare. You entered this for the Maximum medicare wages field in the Federal tax table using the Tax tables function.

46. Empr medicare %


99 999

This is the percentage at which medicare is calculated for the employer’s share of medicare, also from your federal tax table.

47. Empr medicare wage



This prints the grand total of employer medicare wages for all employees printed on your report.

48. Empr medicare tips



This prints the grand total of employer medicare tips for all employees printed on your report.

49. Empr medicare gross



This prints the grand total of employer medicare gross for all employees printed on your report.

50.Empr medicare

12 (999999.99)

This prints the grand total of employer medicare contributions for all employees printed on your report.

51.Earned income credit

14 (9999999.99)

This prints the grand total of earned income credit for all employees printed on your report.

52. FWT



This prints the grand total of FWT for all employees printed on your report.

53. FUI

12 (999999.99)

This prints the grand total of FUI for all employees printed on your report.

54. Emp 401(k) ded.



This prints the grand total of employee 401(k) deductions for all employees printed on your report.

55. Empr 401(k) ded



This prints the grand total of employer 401(k) deductions for all employees printed on your report.

56. Base weekly wage

6 999.99

This prints the base weekly wage entered in Tax tables for this report’s state tax code, selected when you run the report.

57. FUI maximum wages

9 99999.99

This is the maximum employee annual wage amount upon which FUI is assessed. You entered this for the Federal unemp max wages field in the Federal tax table using the Tax tables function.

58. FUI percent


99 999

This is the percentage at which FUI is calculated, also from your Federal tax table.

59. SUI max wages

9 99999.99

This is the maximum employee annual wage amount on which SUI is assessed. You entered this for the SUI maximum wages field in your state tax table using the Tax tables function.

60. SUI %

5 99.99

This is the percentage at which SUI is calculated, also from your state tax table.

61. Suppl benefit max wages

10 999999.99

This is the maximum employee annual wage amount on which supplemental benefits are assessed. You entered this for the Suppl benefit max wages field in your state tax table using the Tax tables function.

62. Suppl benefit %


99 999

This is the percentage at which supplemental benefits amounts are calculated, also from your state tax table.

63. System date


This date is obtained from your computer system at the time the report is printed.

64. Dashed line - 80 columns


This field prints a dashed line ( ------- )of 80 columns in length.

65. Dashed line - 132 columns


This field prints a dashed line ( ------- ) of 132 columns in length.

66. Empr name


This is your company name, as entered in the Employer name field in Control information.

67. Address-1


68. Address-2


69. Address-3


This is your company’s address, as entered in Address-1, Address-2, and Address-3 in Control information.

70. Tax rpt ID number


This is the value that you entered for each tax code in the Tax rpt ID # field in Tax tables (Enter). When you print a report using this field, it prints the Tax rpt ID # for the tax code that you have selected for the report.

71. Federal ID number


This is the Tax rpt ID # that you entered for the Federal authority in Tax tables (Enter).

72. Quarter number

1 9

This prints the quarter number as entered for the Which quarter ? field in the Quarterly payroll report screen.

73. Quarter ending date


This prints the quarter ending date as entered for the Ending field in the Quarterly payroll report screen.

74. Quarter year



This is derived from the Quarter ending date. For instance, if you entered a quarter ending date of 3/31/97, the Quarter year would print 1997.

75. Laser multi-part label


This is the multi-part label that prints on each copy of a report when printing on a laser printer. When printing reports on a laser printer, you can choose to print from 1 to 9 copies of each report to produce multi-part forms. You are also asked to enter a different label for each copy of the report, such as Original copy on the first copy, File copy on the second copy, and so on. This field determines where these labels print.

76. Total SUI total wages



This is the grand total of SUI total wages for all employees printed on your report.

77. Total FUI total wages



This is the grand total of FUI total wages for all employees printed on your report.

78. YTD Total SWT plus selected CWT



This is the grand total of year-to-date SWT plus the year-to-date CWT for selected cities.

79. Total emp Roth 401(k) ded.



This prints the grand total of employee Roth 401(k) deductions for all employees printed on your report.